Why are there so many people who need liver transplants lately?
Is it just that our transplant technology has advanced so much recently that we are hearing more about it?Or, is it due to a commonly used, over-the-counter drug that became regularly used since the '80's?
30% of Overdoses Die, 20% Need Transplants |
Acetaminophen (Tylenol / NyQuil) Overdoses
An overdose of this commonly used and prescribed drug can result in death or need for an emergency liver transplant.Did You Know:
- Causes most poisonings worldwide!
- Leading cause of acute liver failure!
- Easy to overdose!
- Hard to tell that you've overdosed until too late!
I'm Careful and Will Not Overdose
- Only took NyQuil every 4 hours (5 times in a 24 hour period), and should be alright. Wrong! You've just overdosed!
- I might have overdosed, but 8 hours later, I feel fine. I guess I'm OK. Maybe NOT! Symptoms don't appear till 24 hours, when it's too late!
- I had a few beers, and only took 3 adult doses of Extra Strength Tylenol spaced out over an entire day. I should be OK. There is a good chance that you've just overdosed!
If treated in a hospital within 8 hours, the poisoning can be reversed, but the symptoms only appear after 24 hours. Your body produces a metabolic byproduct that is toxic to your liver. The liver damage can be irreversible, and death can result in a few days. The official maximum dose for a 24 hour period is 4000 mg. Four adult doses of NyQuil or Extra Strength Tylenol hits this limit. Exceeding this limit, or taking it for more than 3-10 days can be toxic to your liver. You can exceed this limit or be overdosed at a lower dose by: taking multiple common over-the-counter medications containing acetaminophen (for colds, flu, allergies and trouble sleeping, etc.), consuming 3 or more alcoholic drinks, smoking, taking herbs or certain supplements, being a woman, fasting, drug interactions, pre-existing liver damage, your age or weight and physical condition.References:
- National Institute of Health: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/002598.htm
- Drugs.com: http://www.drugs.com/cg/acetaminophen-overdose.html
- Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paracetamol_toxicity (Another name for Acetaminophen)
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